27 March 2008

Know When To Fold 'Em*

When I discovered these new ways of folding everyday items, I knew I had to share them. They’re the neatest things.

How to fold a t-shirt in under two minutes (or is it two seconds?), from the ingenious Japanese. They invented Origami after all. After you watch this, you’ll say, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

This is something I learned from cousins on my dad’s side. (They’re the scary ones who cross-stitch in their sleep and give Martha Stewart a run for her money.) It’s a way to fold fitted sheets so that they come out to perfect rectangles, cutting down on bulk for neater storage in the linen closet.

I have a secret desire to learn how to fold dinner napkins into elaborate shapes. I think it comes from memories of fashioning stuff from those ubiquitous hankies we used to have growing up. I remember how, out of sheer boredom during recess, we would use hankies to fold everything from bras to babies in hammocks!

Here’s how to fold a pocket from a table napkin to tuck your cutlery into. I’m sure this would work with chopsticks too. Add a small flower or slim leaf for effortless elegance at the dinner table.

There are many more ways to play around with napkin-folding HERE. Like these:

The Classic Three-Point Fold

The Lover's Knot

Have fun folding, everyone!

* Did anyone get my Kenny Rogers reference, I wonder?


Anonymous said...

LOVE that sheet folding! I always get into trouble folding those sheets into perfect rectangles. So THAT's how it's done pala. Haha, thanks!

Jen said...

I do believe Martha Stuart has taken credit for the two-second sheet folding technique. Not sure if she's claiming it as her own, but I do remember her going on various talk shows and showing it to everyone.

I'd never take the time to do that fitted sheet thing. I roll mine up into a nice ball and then shove it into my closet anywhere it'll fit...

The Girl With A Curl said...

No more wrestling with the sheets, Toni!

The Girl With A Curl said...

Jen, do you REALLY do that to those sheets?!?! It's super easy and quick once you know how. And yes, Ms. Stewart DOES have this technique but I don't know if it's been patented.